to Nov 10

YogaFit Yin

YogaFit’s two day Yin Yoga training focuses on the other areas of our body often not considered in most yoga practices or fitness modalities. We are focused on the deeper tissues of our body: bones, joints, fascia and ligaments.  All of our tissues are important and need to be exercised so that we can achieve optimal health and vitality.  Throughout the training, we consistently work on surrendering to the pose, finding a sense of comfort through discomfort, learning to celebrate the stillness, while connecting with mindfulness.

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8:00 AM08:00

YogaFit TaiChiFit

TaiChiFit® is a form of ancient martial arts that can be used for defensive capabilities and excellent health benefits. TaiChiFit introduces the fitness professional to the four main styles of TaiChi, its purpose, history, principles, philosophy, and psychological health benefits. This course is adaptable for all fitness levels and can be done anywhere.  It brings focus on balance with controlled movements to increase stability, flexibility, circulation, immunity, strength  (in a subtle way), moving meditation to promote relaxation and awareness of the breath.  It is a low-impact fitness option to complement any fitness program as an adaptation for functional exercise for the general public, seniors, those with physical challenges, and athletes. 

We will cover clothing options, breath work, class design, as well as utilization of a chair to fuse Yoga and TaiChi.  There will be illustrations on how to execute proper alignment in basic exercises to help with posture, stability, and many other positive aspects. There will be a breakdown of each exercise to be able to teach the pose.  During pose breakdown, there will be complete step-by-step instructions for setting up the movement and team-teaching practice with peers. This course will help you design and teach three different approaches to TaiChi with a special emphasis on form and technique.

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to Sep 17

YogaFit Therapeutic Applications of Sound & Mantra

In this course, we will take a deeper dive into the history of sound as a therapeutic model and follow its trajectory into modern methods of healing in both the Western and Eastern models. Blending ancient wisdom with modern science, we will explore how everything is vibration and has the potential to be healed through vibration.  Along with gaining an understanding of how sound and vibration can change our blueprint, we will explore practical applications of utilizing instruments and mantra in group and private client settings to stimulate healing.  

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to Sep 15

YogaFit Biofield Tuning

The human biofield contains the record of our memories and the blueprint of our physical bodies embedded as energy and information in standing waves within this structure.  In this training, through the use of tuning forks and sound bowls, we will learn to hear the field to gain information about the client and integrate this information into the physical body for digestion and assimilation, creating a potential healing effect for the client. The tuning forks are used first as a diagnostic tool to find the dissonance in the individual’s energy field and second as a means of creating entrainment and coherence of the body with the forks and bowls.

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to Sep 13

YogaFit Sound & Mantra Healing

Sound and vibrational healing, as described in the yogic texts of old, has been practiced in the East for millennia. Come explore the ancient practice of sound healing in this two­ day workshop, learn the therapeutic healing power of sound and vibration, and discover why music, chanting, and toning continue to have a profound effect on our physical and emotional well being.

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to Aug 25

YogaFit Level 1 Teacher Training

The first step on the path toward becoming a yoga teacher or simply deepening your practice, YogaFit Teacher Training (YTT) Foundations (Level One) is accepted by most fitness centers because it provides the foundation and tools to create inspiring vinyasa yoga classes grounded in proper alignment and the safety of exercise science.

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8:00 AM08:00

YogaFit Seniors

This is one-day workshop offers ways to modify YogaFit classes to make them accessible to individuals over the age of 55, regardless of their fitness levels. You may take this workshop at any time that fits with your schedule, after completing YTT Foundations (Level One).

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to Aug 18

YogaFit Somatosensory Yoga w/ Shaye Molendyke

Somatosensory yoga is a type of yoga practice that focuses on the sensory experience of the body through movements and postures. It emphasizes the use of internal sensations, such as breath and muscle contractions, to guide and refine physical movements. The somatosensory cortex is a part of the brain that processes sensory information from the body, including touch, temperature, and pain. This part of the brain gets strongly activated during traumatic and stressful events and especially ones that elicit the Fight-Flight-Freeze response. The body prepares for either fighting off the threat (fight), running away from it (flight), or shutting down and becoming immobile (freeze) to minimize harm. This is an adaptive response during a stressful event but if this pattern is left unresolved or is constantly activated then it can cause our neurophysiology to become stuck “on” or stuck” off”. Somatosensory yoga practices can help to flip the switch off or back on depending on our state of hyper or hypo arousal and gets to the source of these unresolved tension patterns in the body-mind.

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8:00 AM08:00

YogaFit Teen Mental Health w/ Shaye Molendyke

Teen mental Health is in crisis. Even before the Pandemic, teens mental health was on a precipitous decline fostered by increasing social pressures, social media, increasing academic and sports pressures, as well as declining sleep and nutritional habits. The Pandemic and the subsequent stressors only served to accelerate this decline, ultimately leading to the US Surgeon Generals declaring teen mental health a national emergency in December 2021. Between 2009-2021 rates of depression in teenagers rose from 26% to 44% and emergency room visits for self-harm jumped by a shocking 88%.  The pandemic accelerated this decline with a 45% increase in self-harm and suicide cases in the first half of 2021 alone!

This one-day workshop is for anyone wanting to help during this crisis: yoga teachers, educators, parents, grandparents and mental health professionals. We will combine the practical emotional self-regulating tools from yoga and link them to the strong scientific support and latest research showing their effectiveness at helping the unique teenage brain, physiology and nervous system reset. Yoga tools to include simple postures, breath practices and guided mediations and imagery will be taught. Additionally, we will learn how to teach teenagers about the chakras as well as the Yamas and Niyamas as energetic tools of self-regulation. 

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to Jul 28

YogaFit Level 3 Teacher Training

Directing the focus more inward, Level Three emphasizes the modern application of the philosophical and metaphysical aspects of yoga, paying particular attention to the seven chakras and how they foster a deeper sense of self-awareness. In this two-day intensive, you will learn how to use your intuition as well as your anatomical knowledge to give your students effective hands-on assists. 

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8:00 AM08:00

YogaFit Stand Up PaddleBoard

Take your yoga practice to a new level of core power and balance by practicing yoga on an unstable surface. The YogaFit Stand Up Paddle Board training is like doing yoga on a paddleboard—without the water! Loaded with options and varying levels of instability with the Indo Flow cushions that come with the board, anyone can enjoy this practice and feel successful. Appropriate for all levels of yogis, beginner to advanced.

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to Jun 9

YogaFit Warrior Kids

With a focus on developmental trauma disorder, a new and vastly expanded tool for understanding early childhood trauma, this special therapeutically oriented workshop centers on the unique way a child’s nervous system and brain respond to traumatic events, including chronic emotional and physical abuse and neglect. We will address somatic gaps in current therapies available and the challenges inherent in treating children suffering from PTSD.  

Note: YogaFit for WarriorKids counts as an elective for either the 200-­hour or the 300-­hour training, but not both. This two-­day workshop also counts toward YogaFit’s 100-­hour and 140­-hour YogaFit for Warriors certification; the 100-­hour YogaFit for WarriorKids certification; and YogaFit’s 900­-hour YogaFit HealthCare certification.

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8:00 AM08:00

YogaFit Working With the Chakras

Much has been written about the chakras—the seven energy centers of spiritual power that reside deep within our bodies and help regulate everything from our physical health to our emotional and mental health. YogaFit’s prior teacher-­training modules have covered the chakras in detail, exploring how they work and how they affect overall health and wellness. In this one­-day intensive, you will work with your own chakra energies, learning chakra balancing and healing techniques to awaken a deeper connection to Self.

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to Nov 5

Therapeutics in Sound Healing

Course Description: In this course, we will take a deeper dive into the history of sound as a therapeutic model and follow its trajectory into modern methods of healing in both the Western and Eastern models. Blending ancient wisdom with modern science, we will explore how everything is vibration and has the potential to be healed through vibration.  Along with gaining an understanding of how sound and vibration can change our blueprint, we will explore practical applications of utilizing instruments and mantra in group and private client settings to stimulate healing.  


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to Nov 3

Sound & Mantra

Sound and vibrational healing, as described in the yogic texts of old, has been practiced in the East for millennia. Come explore the ancient practice of sound healing in this two­ day workshop, learn the therapeutic healing power of sound and vibration, and discover why music, chanting, and toning continue to have a profound effect on our physical and emotional well being.

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to Oct 1

Level 4: Tradition

Level Four continues where Level Three left off, exploring more challenging practices and the preparation for each of them. But the real emphasis is on how to weave elements of yoga's ancient tradition into your practice, life, and teaching. This fourday intensive delves deeper into the Yoga Sutra, the Bhagavad Gita, and some of the more esoteric elements of yoga, such as chakras, mudras (hand gestures), and sound.

**Please noteDue to the scheduling involved with Level 4 and 5, requests to transfer out of Level 4 or 5 trainings will result in a $100 transfer fee. 

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to Aug 27

Level 1: Foundations

The first step on the path toward becoming a yoga teacher or simply deepening your practice, Level One provides the tools to create inspiring vinyasa yoga classes grounded in proper alignment and the safety of exercise science. 

While there are no prerequisites for this course, we do require that all attendees read Beth Shaw's YogaFit prior to attending. This book explains the foundation of our entire teacher training program, and allows for better overall understanding of the material covered in our Level One Training. Please email with any questions about Level One.

Note: In order to receive a Certificate of Completion for Level One, you must also complete eight hours of practice teaching as a community service, in which you bring the gift of yoga, free of charge, to individuals who would not normally be exposed to yoga on a regular basis.

Retrain: Please call Customer Service at 1-888-786-3111 to register for retrains of Level 1.  The retrain price is $199.

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8:00 AM08:00

Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga

Make a splash this summer in our YogaFit for PaddleBoard 1 day training.  This training will challenge the body while renewing the soul. Enjoy breath, movement and meditation while learning to adapt to the flow of the water beneath. Find the continuous challenge to balance and the focus required to ground while afloat. When we connect with the yang element of sun and challenging core work as well as the yin element of water and our own receptive, fluid nature, we create a deep relaxation and sense of peace. Practicing yoga on stand up paddle boards is both an awesome core workout and a moving meditation. Laying in savasana, with the sound of water lapping at your board, and the feeling of sun kissing your skin, you realize that just like people, the strength of water lies in its ability to yield.

*This training will take place on a lake with all of the natural elements that come along with being on a lake.   There will be alternating periods of indoor and outdoor training so please prepare accordingly.

*Be prepared to be in the sun with any type of skin protection necessary.

*You MUST be able to swim on your own proficiently without the use of a life preserver.  Water activities are an assumed risk sport.  You assume all liabilities for your participation in this training. 

Note: The rental/use of the Balance Board is included in the price of the training, unless otherwise noted. 

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to Jul 23

Level 3: Introspection

Directing the focus more inward, Level Three emphasizes the modern application of the philosophical and metaphysical aspects of yoga, paying particular attention to the seven chakras and how they foster a deeper sense of self-awareness. In this two-day intensive, you will learn how to use your intuition as well as your anatomical knowledge to give your students effective hands-on assists. 

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to May 21

Intergenerational & Collective Trauma w/ Shaye May

Yogafit’s Intergenerational and Collective Trauma workshop is designed to explore the different types of “root” traumas to include attachment as well as intergenerational and collective trauma. We will explore the connection between attachment traumas and attunement and the origins of mis-attunement which has been linked to intergenerational and collective trauma. We will look at factors that can cause mis-attunement and ultimately inhibit our ability to connect to others.

Over the tumultuous last few years, we as a society are starting to bring more awareness to the importance of collective trauma. Many practical and spiritual experts on healing are realizing the exploration of collective trauma is at the leading edge of healing. The groundbreaking study of holocaust survivors showed how intergenerational and collective trauma gets created and passed through generations through DNA (Epigenetics) and a markedly reduced ability to handle stress leading to worse physical and mental health outcomes across a lifetime for future generations regardless of direct experience of trauma. Ultimately, intergenerational trauma means all of us are born into a pre-traumatized world. As we are witnessing, past trauma surfaces in times of increased stress and massive change making it imperative that we increase the capacities of individuals and groups to heal the collective trauma of our time.

We will look at ways our yoga practices may be supporting or even hindering our ability to cultivate awareness of self, the other and the collective field. We will explore practical exercises to support and strengthen attunement skills for yourself and others and we will learn how to harness the challenge of emotional wounds to turn them into post-traumatic growth, resilience, and learning. We will learn ways to increase our relational capacity to self-regulate and create coherent collective fields that support one another. We will explore and practice collective witnessing and learn to create a stronger field of witnessing presence as both a participant and observer and contemplate what effect this has on our collective physiology.

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8:00 AM08:00

Dream Yoga with Shaye May

Dreaming offers unparalleled opportunities for mental, physical, and spiritual growth. During this one day workshop we will explore the science behind lucidity, how to induce lucid dreams, what to do with them, and how to transcend any obstacle. Lucid dreaming has been developed for thousands of years in the East, and recently augmented with sophisticated techniques from the West. We will learn how lucid dreaming leads to lucid living, and how this ancient practice can change your brain, facilitate healing, overcome daytime obstacles, and spiritually wake you up.

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to May 7

RETREAT: Spring Flow Retreat

Find your flow and join us at Blue Bell Farm for a beautiful and immersive women's retreat.

Weekend Stay at Breathe Schedule


6:00pm - 6:30pm Arrive and settle in
6:30pm Meet and greet with Ayurvedic beverage

7:30pm - 9pm Full Flower Moon Circle


7:30am morning meditation
8:00am breakfast
9:45am depart for Blue Bell Farm


7:30am morning meditation
8:00am breakfast
9:30am closing circle
10:30am checkout

$315 per guest
Space is limited to 6 guests (for single rooms)

Double occupancy is available upon request and price will be adjusted accordingly. Please contact Catina at to reserve your weekend stay!


10am - 10:30am Arrive at Blue Bell Farm

10:30am - 12pm Vinyasa Yoga
Morning class Vinyasa Flow (75 minutes)

A dynamic class where the connection between breath and movement is maintained throughout. Using various poses (asanas) we use the breath to connect the mind and body through movement, In addition, the breath is used in postures to help you go deeper and find stronger alignment within each pose. The result is a graceful, mindful, and flowing yoga experience.

12pm - 2pm Lunch & Pop Up Local Makers Shop

Delicious vegetarian lunch provided by Beetbox Restaurant

2pm - 3pm Post-lunch Walk and Forest Meditation:

As we walk, you will be prompted to get in touch with the 5 elements in nature. We will complete the walk, lying down in a grassy knoll surrounded by trees to continue our meditation as we unite our chakras with the elements, manifesting ourselves as one with the natural flow of life.

3:30pm - 5pm Afternoon Yin & Sound Bath (90 minutes): 45 minutes of Yin yoga followed by 45 minutes of a sound bath.

Yin Yoga: Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga that uses specific asanas (postures) that are held for longer periods of time, typically from 1 minute to five minutes or more, depending on the posture. These postures access deeper layers of the fascia, promoting essential balance in our mental and physical bodies.

A Sound Bath is a meditative experience where students are “bathed” in sound waves as they lie in a relaxing savasana with props to support their comfort. These waves are produced by various sources, including healing instruments such as gongs, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, flute, percussion, chimes, harmonium, tuning forks, and even the human voice itself. Students will experience a state of harmony through sound in order to clear discordance from the participants' energy fields. Among the benefits are relaxation, an increased sense of well-being, expanded awareness, and access to inner visionary experience.

5pm - 6pm Relax on the patios and enjoy the views, music and delicious happy hour bites & beverages from Beetbox. Blue Bell Farm will also have wine and cocktails available for purchase at the bar.

Tickets for Saturday Retreat are $145.

Yoga classes, meditations and the sound bath will be led by Catina Topash. For a full weekend retreat experience, guests can book a two nights stay at Catina's lovely lakeside B&B, Breathe at JJ's Folly. The weekend stay at Breathe is an optional add on experience and is not included in the day retreat price.

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